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Please get in touch with us using this form to discuss any of the treatments we offer or any issues you may need to explore with our specialists.

We’re keen to make sure you get the best treatment for you.


Beauty Salon, Stapleford
Cambridge, CB22 5DW

Utopia Hair Bar
High Street, Brampton
Huntingdon, PE28 4RA

English Rose, Beauty House
Berrycroft, Willingham
Cambridge, CB24 5JX
The Retreats
Beauty & WellnessSalon Burwashmanor, Barton
Cambridge, CB23 7EY

Brook House
St Neots, Brook Street
St Neots, PE19 2BP

Cambridge Dental
39 Newnham Road
Cambridge, CB3 9EY

Jawline filler

Filler is used in the jaw area to give more definition and create a more chiselled look.

Please note: a consultation is always required as other treatments may give better results. Click here to book a consultation.

Procedure time: 45 mins

Downtime: 7-10 days for possible swelling and bruising to subside

Results duration: 9-18 months

Cost: £320

January Offer!

Hydrafacial with Amelia was £80 now £65